Saturday, February 10

New York? New York?

He could have gone anywhere else and it would have been fine. New York. Why New York?

Okay so I guess if you have chosen to work in the world of theater, you must be in New York. That part is understandable. But along with Broadway, comes the Yankees. The New York Yankees. Damn Yankees. The MF Yankees.

He's holding up well though. After a year, he still bleeds Red Sox red (hail Curt Schilling) and he is holding up beneath the constant barrage of Yankeeness. I try to help with regular updates from back home. He provides interesting insight of the rivalry from behind enemy lines. Together, we work through it.

Which is what these missives will be all about. Just a father and son, inbred in Red Sox tradition, both good (recent) and bad (past) trading thought on the home town team - the Sox. or Sawx as we say back here. I raised Kevin to be a Red Sox fan and a Yankee hater. I'm proud to say it looks like I did a good job.

I was never heavy handed about it (okay I probably was), but thank God he turned out right. Which is why I don't worry that he spends every waking hour immersed in Yankee propaganda.
His roots are solid. He will survive.

Just a word about the title of the blog. Yes I coached Kevin throughout his youth baseball career but I was never THAT bad. Although I must admit forcing him to catch Jason Pokrant and Evan Protosawicki when he was only 11 in his first year in the Little League majors was probably over the top. I do regret that episode. But overall I think we bonded quite well as father and son, coach and catcher.

But enough of us. This is about the Sox. The excitement is about to begin. THE EQUIPMENT TRUCK LEFT TODAY FOR FORT MYERS! Spring training is right around the corner.

So let's start with some predicitons. The following will happen in the next six weeks.

1. Jon Lester will break camp and head north with the big club as the fifth starter.
2. Jonathan Papelbon will start the season as the the closer
3. J. D. Drew will miss at least several days of workouts due to a minor injury.
4. Manny will be late arriving to camp.
5. Schilling will be signed to an extension.
6. Devern Hansack will be the talk of camp
7. The Twins will win the Mayor's Trophy
8. Manny will volunteer to take a long bus ride to play in an exhibition game he could have skipped.
9. David Murphy will be mentioned in more than one trade rumor
10. Daisuke will get hammered in an early exhibition game and a Boston writer will question the signing (my guess would be Silverman or Shaugnessey).

Keep score at home and see how I do.

But enough for now. Let the games begin.

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